1.1d2: 16 Jan 2014: Added contextual menu with a few trivial features to the model view.
1.1d1: 9 Apr 2012: Added the Kaleidotope models.
1.0d4: 4 Aug 2010: Added framed cells. Fixed bug in 600-Cell colored cell size controls.
1.0d3: 3 Aug 2010: Animation continues during mouse tracking. User has some control over face and cell sizes. Fixed 600-Cell display of all faces.
1.0d2: 25 July 2010: Worked around a bug that was preventing anti-aliasing. Now it looks much better.
1.0d1: 23 July 2010: Fixed bug combining velocities during Unlock Spin. Better double rotations when the mouse is off the edge of the trackball.
1.0d0: 19 July 2010: First release with all six regular polytopes.